First Renewal

What Questions Does This Report Answer?

This report focuses on the performance from Initial purchase to Renewal 1 (the first recurring charge after initial sign up). It is important to understand your Renewal 1 because that first renewal will indicate the overall tail of that subscription.

If Renewal 1 Retention has declined, you can expect Renewal 2, 3, etc to be lower than previous renewals.


  • Sales Channel Performance - Identify the higher quality channels quickly.
  • Trending Renewal 1 will indicate if traffic quality is improving or declining, if new sources are over or under performing.


What is the Date Operator Used?

Date Operator:Subscribed Date

The date in which a new subscription was acquired. The data is reflective of all revenue processed for that subscription through today’s date.


What are the requirements with this report?

  • The customer is enrolled in a recurring offer (Subscription) which requires a cancel request to terminate any future charges.
  • Retention Settings are configured, if applicable, to include the initial and subsequent offers and the Linked Status is updated, if applicable, based on Retention Settings. 


What Metrics are on this Report?

Metric Definition Calculations
Subscriptions The total count of all initial subscriptions. Pending + Non-Pending Renewals
Pending Renewals The total count of pending renewals for their first renewal cycle. All non-pending have already taken action including: charge, skip or churn.  
Pending Renewal Rate The percentage of first renewals that are pending. Pending Renewals / Subscriptions
Non-Pending Renewals The total count of renewals that have taken action for their first renewal cycle, including: charge, skip or churn.  
Non-Pending Renewal Rate The percentage of first renewals that are non-pending. Non-Pending Renewals / Subscriptions
First Renewal Churns The total count of subscriptions that churned before their first renewal as a result of a cancellation, dispute or max number of declines.  
Overall Churn Rate The percentage of total subscriptions (including pending) that churned before their first renewal. Churns / Subscriptions
Churn Rate The percentage of non-pending subscription renewals that churned before their first renewal. Churns / Non-Pending Renewals
24 Hour Churns The total count of subscriptions that have churned within the first 24 hours of acquisition.  
24 Hour % of Churn Rate The percentage of total cancellations that churned within the first 24 hours of acquisition. 24 Hour Churns / Churns
72 Hour Churns The total count of subscriptions that have churned within the first 72 hours of acquisition.  
72 Hour % of Churn Rate The percentage of total cancellations that churned within the first 72 hours of acquisition. 72 Hour Churns / Churns
First Renewal Active Churns The count of subscriptions that actively churned for cycle as a result of a cancellation or dispute.  
First Renewal Active Churn Rate The percentage of subscriptions that actively churned before their first renewal. First Renewal Active Churns / Subscriptions
First Renewal Passive Churns The count of subscriptions that passively churned before their first renewal due to reaching a max number of declines.  
First Renewal Passive Churn Rate The percentage of subscriptions that passively churned before their first renewal. First Renewal Passive Churns / Subscriptions
First Renewal Dunning The count of subscriptions that had their initial attempt declined and are currently reattempting charges in the dunning process.  
Overall First Renewal Dunning Rate The percentage of total subscriptions (including pending) that are currently reattempting charges in the dunning process. First Renewal Dunning / Subscriptions
First Renewal Dunning Rate The percentage of non-pending subscriptions that are currently reattempting charges in the dunning process. First Renewal Dunning / Non-Pending Renewals
Dunning Recovered The total count of first renewals that were successfully recovered in the dunning process.  
First Renewal Skips The total count of first renewals that were skipped.  
Overall First Renewal Skip Rate The percentage of total subscriptions (including pending) that were skipped. First Renewal Skips / Subscriptions
First Renewal Skip Rate The percentage of non-pending renewals that were skipped. First Renewal Skips / Non-Pending Renewals
Successful First Renewals The total count of subscriptions that successfully billed their first renewal.  
Overall First Renewal Retention Rate The percentage of total subscriptions (including pending) that successfully billed their first renewal. First Successful Renewals / Subscriptions
First Renewal Retention Rate The percentage of non-pending renewals successfully charged for their first renewal. First Successful Renewals / Non-Pending Renewals
Successful First Renewals Revenue The total revenue amount collected from first renewals. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue  
First Renewal Full Adjustments The total count of successful first renewals that were either fully refunded, charged back, or an alert was processed.  
First Renewal Full Adjustment Rate The percentage of successful first renewals that were either fully refunded, charged back, or an alert was processed. Full Adjustments / First Successful Renewals
First Renewal Full Refunds The total count of successful first renewals that were refunded.  
First Renewal Full Refund Rate The percentage of successful first renewals that were refunded. Refunds / First Successful Renewals
First Renewal Refund The total revenue refunded (partial and full) from successful first renewals.  
First Renewal Voids The total count of first renewals that were voided.  
First Renewal Void Rate The percentage of subscriptions that successfully billed their first renewal, but were refunded. Refunds / First Successful Renewals
First Renewal Voided Revenue The total amount lost from first renewals due to voids.  
First Renewal Chargebacks The total count of subscriptions that successfully billed their first renewal, but were charged back.  
First Renewal Chargeback Rate The percentage of subscriptions that successfully billed their first renewal, but were charged back. Chargebacks / First Successful Renewals
First Renewal Chargeback Revenue The total amount lost from first renewals due to chargebacks.  
First Renewal Alerts The total count of subscriptions that successfully billed their first renewal, but were alerted.  
First Renewal Alert Rate The percentage of subscriptions that successfully billed their first renewal, but an alert was processed. Alerts / First Successful Renewals
First Renewal Alert Revenue The total amount returned from first renewals due to alerts.  
First Renewal Adjustment Revenue The total revenue returned from refunds, chargebacks or alerts. This includes partial refunds.  
Net First Successful Renewals The total count of successful first renewals without an adjustment. First Successful Renewals - First Renewal Full Adjustments
Overall Net Renewal Retention Rate The percentage of total subscriptions (including pending) that had a successful first renewal without a full adjustment. Net First Successful Renewals / Subscriptions
Net First Renewal Retention Rate The percentage of non-pending subscriptions that had a successful first renewal without a full adjustment. Net First Successful Renewals / Non-Pending Renewals
Net First Renewal Revenue The total revenue amount collected from first renewals, after adjustments. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue First Successful Renewals Revenue - First Renewal Adjustment Revenue
24 Hour Churn Rate The percentage of subscriptions that have churned within the first 24 hours of acquisition. 24 Hour Churns / Subscriptions
72 Hour Churn Rate The percentage of subscriptions that have churned within the first 72 hours of acquisition. 72 Hour Churns / Subscriptions
First Renewal Auth Declines The count of subscriptions that had a declined authorization on their first renewal.  
First Renewal Auth Decline Rate The percentage of subscriptions that had a declined authorization on their first renewal.  
First Renewal Auth Success The count of subscriptions that had a successful authorization on their first renewal.  
First Renewal Auth Success Rate The percentage of subscriptions that had a successful authorization on their first renewal.  
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