API Requests

What Questions Does This Report Answer?

This report shows all API activity that is interacting with your Sublytics Instance.


Quickly get in front of any configuration errors by monitoring the Validation Rate. When looking by API Method, add API Validation Code as an additional filter, click on the API Method and see why certain calls are failing.

Common Validation Codes reflect incorrect configuration:

  • Offer is not added to the campaign
  • Passing a Shipping Profile ID when one is not required


What is the Date Operator Used?

Date Operator: API Created Date


What are the Prerequisites/limitations of this report? 

The user has external API users interacting with Sublytics.


Metric Definition Calculations
Total Requests The total number of API requests  
Validation Errors The total count of requests that had validation errors  
Validation Error Rate The percentage of api requests that had validation errors Validation Errors / Total Requests)
Response Time The average response time from the API in seconds.  
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