Sublytics API for PayPal

Step 1. Create and process the order on Sublytics

Run the doAdd and doProcess, or doAddProcess endpoint in to create the order. And we will create the order on PayPal.

In doProcess or doAddProcess, need to pass the payment method id of 6 (Paypal) and the redirect_url defining where to redirect the customer after they approves the transaction.

Example request for doAddProcess

## doAddProcess Paypal Request curl -X "POST" "https://{your_sublytics_domain}/api/order/doAddProcess" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \ --data-urlencode "user_id=XXXXX" \ --data-urlencode "user_password=XXXXX" \ --data-urlencode "" \ --data-urlencode "phone=1114000880" \ --data-urlencode "bill_fname=Test" \ --data-urlencode "bill_lname=User" \ --data-urlencode "bill_country=US" \ --data-urlencode "bill_address1=123 test Order" \ --data-urlencode "bill_address2=" \ --data-urlencode "bill_city=Test" \ --data-urlencode "bill_state=CO" \ --data-urlencode "bill_zipcode=18966" \ --data-urlencode "shipping_same=1" \ --data-urlencode "offers=[{\"offer_id\":89, \"order_offer_quantity\": 1,\"order_offer_price\":34.99}]" \ --data-urlencode "payment_method_id=6" \ --data-urlencode "campaign_id=2" \ --data-urlencode "redirect_url=" \ --data-urlencode "connection_id=1"

Step 2 : Redirect the customer to the approve page

The response from the previous call contains the url where you need to redirect the customer to in order to approve the transaction in the post_data attribute.

Response from doProcess or doAddProcess

## Response { "success": true, "message": "Order successful", "data": { "transaction": { "success": true, "response_code": 101, "response": "Success", "gateway_response_id": "5GF201864P28XXXX", "merchant_id": "71", "merchant_descriptor": "", "post_data": "", "gateway_response_description": "", "gateway_hard_decline": "", "transaction_id": 4437557, "transaction_total": "34.99", "customer_id": 237002, "order_id": 840741, "order": { "id": "840741", "customers_address_billing_id": "855782", "customers_address_shipping_id": "855782", "customer_card_id": "752771", "order_offers": [] } } } }

After the user completes the flow on PayPal, they will then be redirected to the url you passed in the initial request (redirect_url), in all cases (approve and cancel). When the user is directed back to your hosted page, the query parameter of token will be used to complete the order in Sublytics.

Example : redirect_url?token=5GF201864P28XXXX&PayerID=UKE2LUXXXXXX&ba_token=BA-0N8326XXXXXXX

NOTE : If processing a $0 transaction with PayPal, we will just attempt to do a vault with PayPal. In these cases, the query parameter to look for will be approval_token_id instead of a token.

Example redirect_url&approval_token_id=5GF201864P28XXXX&approval_session_id=4EP47002XXXXXXX

Step 3 : Capture the order by requesting order/doProcessPaypal

Finally you need to call order/doProcessPaypal to capture the order in paypal passing the token from the redirect as transaction_token. If using multiple PayPal accounts, you will need to pass the merchant_id as well that was returned from step 1 in order to route it to the proper PayPal account.

Request for doProcessPaypal

curl -X "POST" "https://{your_sublytics_domain}/api/order/doProcessPaypal" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \ --data-urlencode "user_id=XXXXX" \ --data-urlencode "user_password=XXXXX" \ --data-urlencode "order_id=840741" \ --data-urlencode "transaction_token=5GF201864P28XXXX" \ --data-urlencode "merchant_id=71" // required if multiple paypal accounts on the same campaign


Process upsells

You can then process more orders for that customer using the order/doAddProcess endpoint and can simply pass the customer_card_id for the customer payment information similar to the initial call. For instance here we are using the customer_id, customer_address_billing_id, customer_address_shipping_id and customer_card_id returned from Sublytics that was returned from both the Step 1 and Step 3 API calls.

curl -X "POST" "https://{your_sublytics_domain}/api/order/doAddProcess" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \ --data-urlencode "user_id=XXXXX" \ --data-urlencode "user_password=XXXXX" \ --data-urlencode "offers=[{\"offer_id\":308, \"order_offer_quantity\": 1}]" \ --data-urlencode "payment_method_id=6" \ --data-urlencode "campaign_id=2" \ --data-urlencode "connection_id=1" \ --data-urlencode "customer_id=237002" \ --data-urlencode "customer_card_id=752771" \ --data-urlencode "customers_address_billing_id=855782" \ --data-urlencode "customers_address_shipping_id=855782" \ --data-urlencode "merchant_id=71"
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