Troubleshooting Connections

Common Troubleshooting Issues 

Sublytics pulls data directly from your e-commerce platform or other connection's APIs, and applies logic aligned with industry best practices. Our goal is to organize and display analytics in a meaningful and digestible manner.

As a result, there can be differences in the way that you see your data displayed within your existing platforms and what you are seeing in Sublytics. Below we provide a breakdown of the key differences that you may notice and how to validate Sublytics data.



Sales Differences

Cratejoy reports upon the date that the order was first attempted (accrual based reporting), while Sublytics reports upon the date that the charge was successful (cash based reporting).  


Validation Tips:

To easily compare revenue numbers between platforms, you can leverage the Dunning Report and compare the First Attempt Revenue metric within Sublytics with Cratejoy's transaction export (filter out voids from Cratejoy). This will allow you to see revenue data within Sublytics tied back to the original attempt date which will align with Cratejoy's logic.


Note: CJ does not include Tax in their Total Revenue calculation. It's customizable in your Company Profile within Sublytics, so be sure to confirm your setup in Sublytics when comparing revenue.


Subscriber Status Differences

Cratejoy reports upon the following subscriber status' which are mapped to Sublytics status' as outlined below.  The key differences are:

  • Cratejoy considers non-renewing prepaid offers with outstanding shipments as 'Active.' Sublytics consider these 'Complete,' because there are no upcoming rebills scheduled; therefore renewal revenue cannot be assumed. 
  • Cratejoy considers declined offers that are scheduled to be reattempted as 'Past Due.' We consider these 'Active,' because there is still an opportunity for a successful charge with a strategic dunning schedule. 


 Sublytics Status   Cratejoy Status 


  • Logic: there is no upcoming charge & was not cancelled 
  • Plan Types Include: One Time Sales or Non-Renewing Prepaid Orders 



 Active – prepaid w/ remaining shipments 


 Expired – changed to expired status after  completion 


  • Logic: order with an upcoming scheduled charge 
  • Plan Types Include: Subscriptions 
  • Notes: this is inclusive of declines in dunning because there are upcoming scheduled reattempt charges 

 Active – active subscription or prepaid with remaining shipments 


 Past Due – declined with scheduled reattempt charges 


 Renewing – with upcoming charges 


 Pending Renewal – with upcoming charges 


 Suspended – tagged after certain number of declines, but still have upcoming charges 


  • Logic: cancelled due to a customer actively cancelling offer or max number of declines reached to trigger passive cancel 
  • Plan Types Include: Subscriptions 



 Expired –  with no upcoming charge 


 Suspended – tagged after certain number of declines w/ no upcoming charge 


 Transferred – with no upcoming charge 


  • Logic: the initial charge was declined and there has not been a successful reattempt 
  • Plan Types Include: All 

 Suspended – tagged after certain number of declines, but still have never had a successful charge 


 Unpaid_order failed 


Validation Tip: To compare subscription status logic between platforms, you can review the Active Subscriptions report in Sublytics and use the Connection Offer Status filter to view how Cratejoy categorizes these.


Your Cratejoy Active Subscriptions should equal the sum of the following metrics within Sublytics:

Active Subscriptions from the Subscriptions > Active Subscriptions report (filtered for Active Cratejoy Connection Status) +

Prepaid Shipping Active from the Fulfillment > Prepaid Shipments report (filtered for One-Time Offer Type for all time)


Swaps Differences

In order to swap within Cratejoy, you must cancel the customer's current subscription and create a new subscription; therefore the customer activity reporting in Sublytics will not reflect a swap and churn data will be inflated.  


Leveraging Sublytics Billing will provide the flexibility for customers to easily execute swaps, skips, upsells and add-ons, and seamlessly tie back to actionable reporting insights. Reach out for more information.


Declines Differences

By default, Cratejoy reattempts declines 8 times within a single cycle and then starts a new billing cycle; therefore our dunning report will reflect a new each new cycle reported by Cratejoy and will not tie all reattempts to the initial charge attempt date.  


Leveraging Sublytics Billing will allow for accurate dunning insights to drive increased revenue recovery rates. Reach out for more information.


Additional Detailed Validation Tips:

To compare detailed exports between platforms, you can use the Offer Cycles export from Sublytics and Transactions reports from Cratejoy. Since Cratejoy ties all successful sales back to the original attempt date, you will need to filter reports using this date operator.  

When leveraging Sublytics' exports, you will need to apply the following pivot filters to ensure that they align with your transaction reports within Cratejoy.


Sublytics Export Pivot Requirements: 

  • Subscriptions:  
    • Is Recurring = 1 
    • Type = Sales 
    • Result = Approved 
    • Order Offer Date Offered = desired date frame 
    • Original Cycle Attempt Date = aligned to match CJ 
  • All Sales: 
    • Type = Sales 
    • Result = Approved 
    • Original Cycle Attempt Date = aligned to match CJ 
    • Note: Remove Voids from CJ data 

Sublytics is integrated with many connections, so our terminology is standardized. You can use the following key when aligning data between Cratejoy and Sublytics.




Transaction Connection Key ID

Order ID 

Order Offer ID 

Subscription ID 


In order to understand our data mapping, see key below.



Scheduled Charge Date

Renews On Date

Scheduled Ship Date

Current Ship Date

(regardless of batch)

Still having issues? Reach out to us at

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