
What Questions Does This Report Answer?

The Abandons report shows what is happening during the initial sales flow, including what happens prior to checkout completion. 

  • What sales channels have a higher drop off? 
  • What customers should I retarget? 
  • What is my unique success rate per customer?

Key Metrics: 

  • Abandoned (Partial) Customers & Orders
  • Successful Customers & Orders
  • Declined Customers & Orders
  • Successful Revenue 


What is the Date Operator Used?

Date Operator: Order Created Date

The date in which the original order was added to the customer's cart. The data is reflective of all activity for that initial order - Partial to completion.


What are the Prerequisites/limitations of this report? 

  • Third party data connection provides Abandon Data


What Metrics are on this Report?


Metric Definition Calculations
Customers The unique count of customers that had an order created.  
Abandoned Customers The unique count of customers that had an order created but there was never a transaction attempt to the gateway.  
Abandoned Customer Rate The percentage of unique customers that had an order created but there was never a transaction attempt to the gateway. Abandoned Customers / Customers
Declined Customers The unique count of customers that had an order created and declined the attempt to the gateway.  
Decline Customer Rate The percentage of unique customers that had an order created and declined the attempt to the gateway. Declined Customers / Customers
Success Customers The unique count of customers that had an order created and successfully charged on the gateway Includes Sale and Captures
Success Customer Rate The percentage of unique customers that had an order created and successfully charged on the gateway. Success Customers / Customers
Orders The total count of orders created.  
Abandoned Orders The total count orders that were created but there was never a transaction attempt to the gateway.  
Abandoned Orders Rate The percentage of orders that never had a transaction attempt to the gateway. Abandoned Orders / Orders
Transaction Attempted The total count orders that were created that had a transaction attempt to the gateway.  
Transaction Attempted Rate The percentage of orders that were created that had a transaction attempt to the gateway. Transaction Attempted / Orders
Authorizations The total count orders that were created that had an authorization attempt to the gateway.  
Authorization Rate The percentage of orders that were created that had an authorization attempt to the gateway. Authorizations / Orders
Successful Authorizations The total count orders that were created that had a successful authorization.  
Successful Authorization Rate The percentage of orders that were created that had a successful authorization. Successful Authorizations / Orders
Declined Authorizations The total count orders that were created that declined authorization.  
Declined Authorization Rate The percentage of orders that were created that declined authorization. Declined Authorizations / Orders
Captured The total count orders that were created that had a successful authorization and captured.  
Capture Rate The percentage of orders that had a successful authorization and captured. Captures / Orders
Declined Orders The total count orders that were created and declined the attempt to the gateway.  
Decline Order Rate The percentage of orders that were created and declined the attempt to the gateway. Declined / Orders
Success Orders The total count orders that were created and successfully charged on the gateway Includes Sale and Captures
Success Order Rate The percentage of orders that were created and successfully charged on the gateway. Success / Orders
Success Order Revenue The total revenue collected for orders. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue  
Average Order Revenue    
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