Active Subscriptions


An active subscription (recurring offer) has a pending scheduled charge in the future.

One misconception is that a prepaid program with no future charge but future shipments is a subscription; this is not the case in Sublytics reporting. The only future event for that prepaid program is a shipment, for which we report on"LINK HERE", but not a recurring charge. This metric is only counting customers that will be charged again in the future.

Date Operator: Subscribed Before Date


  • The customer is enrolled in a recurring offer (Subscription) which requires a cancel request to terminate any future charges.
  • The Linked Status is updated, if applicable, based on Retention Settings. Learn more here.


Metric Definition Calculations
Active Subscribers The total count of customers that have an active subscription.  
Active Subscriptions The total count of subscriptions that are currently active.  
Scheduled Charges The total count of renewing subscriptions with pending charges for upcoming orders.  
Scheduled Charges Rate The percentage of renewing subscriptions with pending charges for upcoming orders. Scheduled Charges / Active Subscriptions)
Scheduled Shipments The total count of subscriptions that have a scheduled shipment.  
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