
What Questions Does This Report Answer?

This report shows a high-level view of the first 6 renewals for a subscription to easily compare retention (the percent of subscriptions that have not cancelled their subscription) metrics across a variety of layers.

Dont be misled - if you are running different subscription frequencies, start any retention report by Charge Frequency to ensure so you are not comparing retention for a Monthly Subscription combined with a 6 month Subscription.

What is the Date Operator Used?

Date Operator: Subscribed Date

The date in which a new subscription was acquired. The data is reflective of all revenue processed for that subscription through today’s date.


  • The customer is enrolled in a recurring offer (Subscription) to create a scheduled charge
  • Retention Settings are being utilized. Learn more here.
    • If using Retention Settings, the Linked Status is updated to provide cancellation data. Learn more here.

What Metrics are on this Report?


Metric Definition Calculations
Average Renewal Cycle The average number of renewal cycles that a subscription remains active, regardless of current status.  
Churned Subscriptions The total count of subscriptions that have churned.  
Average Churn Cycle The average last successful cycle before the subscriptions churned, for cancelled subscriptions only.  
Snapshot | Overall Pending Rate The percentage of the total subscriptions that are pending per renewal cycle. Pending Subscriptions for defined renewal cycle / Subscriptions from renewal cycle 1)
Snapshot | Overall Cancel Rate The percentage of total subscriptions that were actively cancelled by the customer. Cancelled Subscriptions for defined renewal cycle / Subscriptions from renewal cycle 1)
Snapshot | Overall Decline Rate The percentage of total subscriptions that were declined. Declined Subscriptions for defined renewal cycle / Subscriptions from renewal cycle 1)
Snapshot | Overall Skip Rate The percentage of total subscriptions that were skipped. Skipped Subscriptions for defined renewal cycle / Subscriptions from renewal cycle 1)
Snapshot | Overall Churn Rate The percentage of total subscriptions that churned. Churned Subscriptions for defined renewal cycle / Subscriptions from renewal cycle 1)
Snapshot | Overall Retention Rate The percentage of the total subscriptions that are still active for cycle. This metric will provide insight into retention from the total subscription count. Active Subscriptions for defined cycle / Subscriptions from renewal cycle 1)
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