Revenue Forecasting

What Questions Does This Report Answer?

The Revenue Forecasting Report will provide you with insight into your upcoming scheduled sales and the likelihood that these will convert into successful sales.

The Revenue Forecasting looks at 30 day rolling metrics around existing customer behavior and performance to determine the likelihood of conversion. This uses a variety of customer characteristics in within the calculations.


Dont be misled: Sublytics will schedule out 1 renewal cycle, forecasting will calculate the likelihood of that conversion. It does not schedule multiple in advance.

For example: Jan 1 there is a successful initial subscription, Feb 1 there will be a scheduled transaction that will show up on the Revenue Forecasting report. There will not be any data for March 1 until Feb 1 has completed.


What is the Date Operator Used?

Date Operator: Scheduled Charge Date

The date in which a charge is scheduled to be processed. This can include recurring and non-recurring offers.


What are the Prerequisites/Limitations with this report?

  • Offer Type must be recurring
  • Retention Settings do not apply for forecast reporting. Must be a recurring offer.

What Metrics are on this Report?


Metric Definition Calculations
Scheduled Recurring Sales The total count of all scheduled recurring sales, regardless of status. This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle. Pending + Cancelled + Skipped + Declined + Successful)
Scheduled Recurring Revenue The total revenue amount for all scheduled recurring sales, regardless of status. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle. Pending + Cancelled + Skipped + Declined + Successful)
Cancelled Recurring Sales The total count of scheduled recurring sales that cancelled before processing a charge. This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle.  
Cancelled Recurring Revenue The total revenue amount for all scheduled recurring sales that cancelled before processing a charge. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle.  
Skipped Recurring Sales The total count of scheduled recurring sales that have been skipped. This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle.  
Skipped Recurring Revenue The total revenue amount for all scheduled recurring sales that were skipped. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle.  
Pending Recurring Sales The total count of scheduled recurring sales that have not processed a charge, skipped or cancelled. This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle. Scheduled Recurring - Cancelled - Skipped - Successful - Declined
Pending Recurring Revenue The total revenue amount for all scheduled recurring sales that have not processed a charge, skipped or cancelled. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle. Scheduled Recurring - Cancelled - Skipped
Forecasted Recurring Sales The total count of scheduled recurring sales that are forecasted to be successful based upon historical performance data. This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle.  
Forecasted Recurring Revenue The total revenue amount for all scheduled recurring sales that are forecasted to be successful based upon historical performance data. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle.  
Successful Recurring Sales The total count of forecasted sales that were processed successfully.  
Successful Recurring Revenue The total revenue amount of forecasted sales that were processed successfully. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue  
Real Time Forecasted Recurring Sales The total count of forecasted sales that were processed successfully, plus the remaining pending sales. This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle. Successful Recurring Sales + Pending Forecasted Sales
Real Time Forecasted Recurring Revenue The total revenue amount from forecasted sales that were processed successfully, plus the remaining pending sales. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle. Successful Recurring Revenue + Pending Forecast
Declined Recurring Sales The total count of scheduled recurring sales that were declined. This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle.  
Declined Recurring Revenue The total revenue amount for all scheduled recurring sales that were declined. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle.  
New Sales The total count of new one-time sales & the first cycle of new recurring sales (subscriptions). This metric is only available for past data.  
New Revenue The total revenue amount of new one-time sales & the first cycle of new recurring sales (subscriptions). Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue This metric is only available for past data.  
Real Time Forecasted Sales The count of sales that you can expect to process, inclusive of Successful, new and remaining forecasted sales. This does not reflect projections for new acquisition efforts. Overall Successful Sales + Pending Forecasted Sales
Real Time Forecasted Revenue The total revenue amount that you can expect to process, inclusive of Successful, new and remaining forecasted sales. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue This does not reflect projections for new acquisition efforts. Overall Successful + Pending Forecast
Successful Total Sales The total count of all sales (recurring & one-time) that were successfully processed. This metric is only available for past data (recurring & one-time) that were successfully processed. This metric is only available for past data. Successful Recurring Sales + New Sales
Successful Total Revenue The total revenue amount that was successfully processed. This metric is only available for past data. (Successful Recurring Revenue + New Revenue) Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue  
Pending Forecasted Sales The total count of forecasted recurring sales that have not processed a charge, skipped or cancelled. This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle.  
Pending Forecasted Revenue The total revenue amount for all forecasted recurring sales that have not processed a charge, skipped or cancelled. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue This does not reflect new subscriptions on their first cycle.  
Pending Revenue Rate The percentage of scheduled recurring revenue which is still pending. Pending Recurring Revenue / Scheduled Recurring Revenue
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