Testing Your Billing API Setup

In this article you will learn the steps to test through your billing setup.

  1. Create a Test Merchant
  2. Create a Test Router
  3. Add Payment to Campaign

Creating a test Merchant

To add a Merchant

Processing → Merchant Account → +Add New


1. Add a Merchant Account:


2. Select Test for the Gateway:



Test Credit Card: 

Successful Transaction
Decline Transaction
Any CVV and any expiry

More information on Merchant Accounts here


Creating a Test Payment Router 

To add a Payment Router

Processing → Payment Routing → +Add New


Select all merchants to be tested. This can include PayPal testing as well. 


Adding Payment Options to a Campaign


The Payment setting lives within the campaign. Once you have your Test Merchant and Test Routers (if applicable) setup, select the campaign and update the following: 


Payment Type
Merchant - Select a single Merchant to be used across campaign, for all transactions
Router - Select the payment Router to be used across campaign. Transactions will defer to the router to determine which Merchant to use.
Merchant / Router Select
Assign the Merchant or Router to use


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