Ad Spend

This report ties in marketing data directly from your Marketing Connections (Facebook or GoogleAds) as well as pulls in data from the Sublytics Pixel, giving you comparisons between the two sources. 

Within the report, toggling the view will show the different data sources: 

  • Source View will show all the data pulled from the Marketing Connections
  • Sublytics View will show the data populating from the Sublytics Pixel & Sublytics order data. 

Date Operator: Ad Spend Date

Data Refresh:Every 30 mins


Sublytics Tracking Pixel and/or Marketing Connections must be active.


IMPORTANT for Facebook or Google Ads Spend Reporting:

Facebook: In order for Sublytics to tie orders back to your Facebook campaigns, you will need to ensure that the Ad ID for Facebook is passed through the click URLs for ALL Facebook ads. You can do this by appending the following tacking parameter to all destination URLs: "adid={adid}" or "ad_id"={adid}". If this is not complete for 100% of your Facebook ads, you will see traffic coming from Facebook via the Website Activity report; however there will not be Sublytics data available in the Ad Spend report for Facebook.

Google Ad Words: In order for Sublytics to tie orders back to your Google Ad Words campaigns, you will need to ensure that the Google Click ID  is passed through the click URLs for ALL Google Ads. By default, if auto-tagging is enabled within your Google Ad Word account, it will automatically pass the necessarily google click ID (gclid) over to us. If you have this disabled and are utilizing manual tagging, you will need to manually append the tag to pass gclid through the tracking URL for ALL ads.


Metric Definition Calculations
Source Impressions The total impressions reported by the marketing source.  
Source Clicks The total count of clicks reported by the marketing source.  
Source Click Through Rate The percentage of impressions that were clicked on. Source Clicks / Source Impressions
Source Outbound Clicks The total count of outbound clicks that drove traffic to your website, reported by the marketing source.  
Source Outbound Click Through Rate TThe percentage of clicks that resulted in conversions, reported by the marketing source. Source Orders / Source Clicks
Ad Spend The total amount spent on advertising.  
Source Orders The total conversions reported by the marketing source.  
Source CPA The cost per acquisition for sales reported by the marketing source. Ad Spend / Source Conversions
Clicks The total count of unique website sessions tracked by the Sublytics pixel for the Marketing Source.  
Click Through Rate The percentage of website sessions tracked by the Sublytics pixel for the Marketing Source. Pixel Clicks / Pixel Impressions
New Customers The total count of unique customer records with their first successful sale attributed to the marketing source.  
Orders The total count of orders attributed to the marketing source.  
Conversion Rate The percentage of clicks that resulted in conversions, tracked by the Sublytics pixel. Orders / Clicks
Order Revenue The total revenue amount after discounts from orders attributed to the marketing source. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue  
CPA The cost per acquisition for orders attributed to the marketing source. Ad Spend / Sales
CAC The cost to acquire a new customer attributed to the marketing source. Ad Spend / New Customers
Return On Ad Spend Rate The Return on Ad Spend for orders attributed to the marketing source. Net Revenue / Ad Spend
Customer Revenue The total all-time net revenue attributed to the marketing source. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue  
CLV The total all-time net revenue per customers attributed to the marketing source. Revenue will pull from Company Settings whether to include Shipping and/or tax in Revenue Customer Revenue / Customers
CLV:CAC Ratio The ratio of CLV to CAC, used to determine profitability. CLV / CAC
Source Conversion Rate The percentage of clicks that resulted in conversions, reported by the marketing source. Source Orders / Source Clicks
Return On Ad Spend The Return on Ad Spend for orders attributed to the marketing source. Net Revenue - Ad Spend  
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